Exhibition spaces and art

At the Kampus Hybernská you will find several spaces dedicated to the visual arts. Common to them is an interest in social issues and networking. Exhibitions are often accompanied by guided tours, lectures and debates.

HYB4 Gallery

HYB4 Gallery is in its sixth year of operation at Kampus Hybernská. It is designed as a confrontational space presenting works of traditional and new media. In HYB4 Gallery we present works by amateur artists, as well as top and established artists.


"I Inherit What You Lost"

3:00 pm
6:00 pm
D.0 Artivist Lab
ENG friendly

HYB4 Galerie: FOTOFUTURES 2024

9:00 am
8:00 pm
A.1 HYB4 Galerie
ENG friendly

Artivist Lab: Tsůren | Výstava prací studentů KVV PedF UK

3:00 pm
7:00 pm
D.0 Artivist Lab
Now there is no event here.

HYB4 Ateliér

HYB4 Ateliér connects science and art through small creative projects with a primary interest in sound and image.

We don’t do this alone

Some of the exhibition spaces are taken care of by our residents.
Studentská Hybernská
Exhibitions which may be smaller in size but large in terms of social impact. Organized by students in the Garage and the Basement of building E.
Artivist Lab
The Artivist Lab is an art laboratory where exhibitions, discussions, lectures and workshops are held. It focuses mainly on political art, artivism and current social issues. It hosts Czech and international artists and gives space to those who cannot exhibit in their home countries because of their activities.
Jan Čejka Gallery
The gallery supports Czech and Slovak landscape art and strives to be a suitable environment for dialogue over art not only for established artists and professionals, but also for students and the general public.


Find out what is happening in the field of visual arts in Kampus Hybernská and what exhibitions have taken place.
Profesor Jiří Horáček: Jak trauma ovlivňuje mozek a prožitek vlastní existence?

Profesor Jiří Horáček: Jak trauma ovlivňuje mozek a prožitek vlastní existence?

Poslední dekády výzkumu přinesly zásadní zjištění, že psychologické trauma nevede pouze ke změnám mysli, ale navozuje také změny struktury a funkce lidského mozku. O nejnovějších poznatcích hovořil 9. dubna v Kampusu Hybernská profesor Jiří Horáček.

Podmínky žen v českých věznicích byly jedním z témat loňských výstav HYB4 Galerie Kampusu Hybernská

Podmínky žen v českých věznicích byly jedním z témat loňských výstav HYB4 Galerie Kampusu Hybernská

HYB4 Galerie funguje v Kampusu Hybernská sedmým rokem. Je koncipovaná jako konfrontační prostor uvádějící práce tradičních i nových médií. Jsou zde prezentovány práce laiků, ale i špičkových a etablovaných umělců i umělkyň. HYB4 Galerii tvoří dva prostory Kampusu Hybernská: menší C.0 HYB4 Galerie je veřejnosti přístupná zdarma a podporuje především začínající umělce a umělkyně, větší A.1 HYB4 Galerie v minulosti hostila například výstavy Milana Kunce, Milana Knížáka nebo LUSTR – mezinárodní festival ilustrace.


I want to get involved

Would you like to be a part of the visual arts in Kampus Hybernská? Find out how you can get involved!
What can you find in Kampus Hybernská?

We connect science, culture, innovation and community

Science, Innovation and Education
Science, Innovation and Education
Science, Innovation and Education

lectures, debates, courses

Music and theatre
Music and theatre
Music and theatre

concerts, jam sessions, theatre performances, improvisation


circular and sustainable activities, handicraft workshops

Student life
Student life
Student life

student associations and initiatives, student events

Film and literature
Film and literature
Film and literature

literary evenings, author readings, book launches, film screenings, pub quizzes, debates


seasonal snacks, choice coffee, children's playroom, opened Monday to Friday 9am-10pm and Saturday 10am-9pm


Didaktikon is a popularization and educational center of the Charles University, which was created in cooperation with the Kampus Hybernská and the capital city of Prague. This is a place designed for all who are interested in an informal approach to education.

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