Film and literature

In the area of Čítárna, our film and literature section offers you not only classical screenings or author readings, but also socially critical discussions. If you are into pub quizzes, this is the place.



Our program isn't something you'd find in a cinema or a typical film club. We organize regular screenings, discussions, lectures, pub quizzes and seminars focused on audiovisual culture - film and video games.

We collaborate with schools, festivals and established associations and try to bring together theoreticians as well as young and experienced filmmakers.

Our aim is to present new films, respond to current events and not to be afraid of a socially critical approach.


HYB4 Film: Těla Andrey Arnold s Viktorem Lickem | Undergroundový seminář #16

C.0 Čítárna

HYB4 Film: Starý Egypt v Hollywoodu a populární kultuře | Přednáška

C.0 Čítárna
View the full program

Irish Culture Night

It's voluntary
E.0 Sál
ENG friendly
View the full program


In Čítárna, we prepare a program of author readings, cabaret, dramatizations of literary works, staged readings and discussions.

Our aim is to create an open cultural and opinion platform that gives space for discussion, thinking about problems and their artistic grasp.

We are especially dedicated to the presentation of contemporary young literature, minorities and regions. We collaborate with academics, language and literature departments across the university on the program.


Take a look behind the scenes of the film and literary production.
Jak začít s vlastním podcastem? Revue Prostor zve na workshopy

Jak začít s vlastním podcastem? Revue Prostor zve na workshopy

Pokud vás zajímá, jak se dělají podcasty, chtěli byste začít se svým vlastním a máte osobní zkušenost s migrací, zbystřete! Revue Prostor, jeden z dlouholetých rezidentů Kampusu Hybernská, pořádá v listopadu tři bezplatné workshopy, na kterých se zájemci od 15 do 18 let naučí vše od výběru tématu až po nahrávání.

HYB4 Film v roce 2023: žánrová pestrost a mediální různorodost

HYB4 Film v roce 2023: žánrová pestrost a mediální různorodost

Co se v rámci jedné sekce programu v Kampusu Hybernská odehraje za jednu sezónu? Pojďme si shrnout rok 2023 pod značkou HYB4 Film!

HYB4 Čítárna v roce 2023: večery na pomezí autorského čtení, kabaretu, dramatizace literárních děl, scénického čtení a diskuzí

HYB4 Čítárna v roce 2023: večery na pomezí autorského čtení, kabaretu, dramatizace literárních děl, scénického čtení a diskuzí

Co se v rámci jedné sekce programu v Kampusu Hybernská odehraje za jednu sezónu? Pojďme si shrnout rok 2023 pod značkou HYB4 Čítárna!


I want to get involved

Do you have an idea how to contribute to the Kampus Hybernská program?
What can you find on campus?

We connect science, culture, innovation and community

Science, Innovation and Education
Science, Innovation and Education
Science, Innovation and Education

lectures, debates, courses

Music and theatre
Music and theatre
Music and theatre

concerts, jam sessions, theatre performances, improvisation

Exhibition spaces and projects
Exhibition spaces and projects
Exhibition spaces and projects

exhibitions and openings, guided tours, art workshops

Student life
Student life
Student life

student associations and initiatives, student events


circular and sustainable activities, handicraft workshops


Didaktikon is a popularization and educational center of the Charles University, which was created in cooperation with Kampus Hybernská and the capital city of Prague. This is a place designed for all who are interested in an informal approach to education.

HYB4 Galerie
HYB4 Galerie
HYB4 Galerie

In both exhibition spaces (A.1 HYB4 Galerie and C.0 HYB4 Galerie) we present works by both established and emerging artists and artists.

Invitations by e-mail

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