Science, Innovation and Education

Student activities and the Kampus Hybernská are supported by the Studentská Hybernská initiative. Politics, the media, equal opportunities, the climate, mental and physical health — these are just some of the topics that they reflect on at their academic-cultural events towards their classmates and peers as well as the wider public.


Science and innovation

We connect knowledge across scientific disciplines and build bridges between academia and society. Kampus Hybernská thus serves as a breeding ground for interdisciplinary projects with a positive impact on our lives.

We want to use the interdisciplinary expertise and diverse perspectives of the Charles University environment to address global and local challenges.

We want to be a catalyst for innovation, enabling the translation of academic knowledge into practice and encouraging public engagement in research and development.

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Česko a drogy

5:30 pm
7:30 pm
A.3 Sál
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Entrepreneurship and education

You will find courses and workshops with us, thanks to which you can try out how to start your own project, kick-start your creativity or develop and implement your ideas with experts from practice.

The educational activities of the Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer (CPPT) are for everyone - students, scientists, UK staff and the public - who wants to be at the birth of innovation and become innovators and changemakers themselves.

Follow CPPT's social media for the latest offers.

Semestral courses

Broaden your horizons and learn about entrepreneurship in one of our wide range of courses.

Živá laboratoř spolupráce

Theoretical fundamentals of self-management, teamwork and cooperation in the organization.

Podnikni to! na UK

Eight practical workshops focused on basic business knowledge and skills.

Rozjeď projekt

In Rozjeď projekt you will experience the process of creating a new service or product from idea to implementation.

Aplikuj vědu do praxe

How to better anticipate future social trends (Future Thinking) and how to think innovatively.

Past series

Expand your horizons on one of our wide range of courses.

Dezinformace v Kampusu Hybernská

První polovina roku 2023 byla v produkční skupině Hyb4City zaměřena na téma dezinformací. Nositelem tohoto tématu se stala především série Dezinformační sondy.

Ukrajinské sondy Marie Koldinské

Série vznikla jako bezprostřední reakce na napadení Ukrajiny Ruskou federací v únoru 2022.


Evropa rozhoduje za nás? Diktuje nám Brusel? Neubírá nám pravomoci a kompetence? Od 1. července 2022 Česká republika už podruhé přebrala od Francie předsednictví všem 27 členským státům v Radě EU. Kormidlo předala v závěru roku Švédsku.

Podcast studio

We also produce podcasts, especially on topics with a focus on social sciences, innovation, education, interdisciplinary cooperation or social issues.


Didaktikon is a popularization and educational center of the Charles University, which was created in cooperation with the Kampus Hybernská, or the capital city of Prague. This is a place designed for all who are interested in an informal approach to education.


MEDITACE PRO FAKULTU pod záštitou Centra péče o duši UK

MEDITACE PRO FAKULTU pod záštitou Centra péče o duši UK

Srdečně zveme všechny studenty, zaměstnance a zájemce z řad veřejnosti k otevřené meditaci na půdě Filozofické fakulty. Společně vytvoříme prostor pro vědomé ztišení a meditaci v rámci pokračujícího léčebného procesu po prosincových tragických událostech.

Konference AI for body and soul: Jak využít umělou inteligenci v podpoře duševního a fyzického zdraví

Konference AI for body and soul: Jak využít umělou inteligenci v podpoře duševního a fyzického zdraví

Ve čtvrtek 23. května proběhla v Kampusu Hybernská jednodenní konference AI for body & soul na téma „Co může nabídnout a co již nabízí umělá inteligence člověku pro podporu jeho tělesného i duševního zdraví” z pohledu medicíny, farmacie, práva nebo také vzdělávání žáků i dospělých. Kampus Hybernská a Univerzita Karlova ji uspořádali ve spolupráci s

Konference: AI for Body & Soul

Konference: AI for Body & Soul

Univerzita Karlova ve spolupráci s uspořádá jednodenní konferenci na téma “Co může nabídnout a co již nabízí umělá inteligence člověku pro podporu jeho tělesného i duševního zdraví”.



Conversations about English canapés. Are bitter thorns sour in English and how do you say potato medal? You will find out in DelicaTech.


I want to get involved

Do you have an idea how to contribute to the program at Kampus Hybernská?
What can you find in Kampus Hybernská?

We connect science, culture, innovation and community

Music and theatre
Music and theatre
Music and theatre

concerts, jam sessions, theatre performances, improvisation

Exhibition spaces and projects
Exhibition spaces and projects
Exhibition spaces and projects

exhibitions and openings, guided tours, art workshops

Student life
Student life
Student life

student associations and initiatives, student events

Film and literature
Film and literature
Film and literature

literary evenings, author readings, book launches, film screenings, pub quizzes, debates


circular and sustainable activities, handicraft workshops


seasonal snacks, coffee, children's playroom, opened Monday to Friday 9am-10pm and Saturday 10am-9pm


Didaktikon is a popularization and educational center of the Charles University, which was created in cooperation with the Kampus Hybernská and the capital city of Prague. This is a place designed for all who are interested in an informal approach to education.

HYB4 Galerie
HYB4 Galerie
HYB4 Galerie

In both exhibition spaces (A.1 HYB4 Galerie and C.0 HYB4 Galerie) we present works by both established and emerging artists and artists.

Invitations by e-mail

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