Welcome to Kampus Hybernská

Welcome to the centre of culture, innovation, art, science and education in the heart of Prague! Kampus Hybernská is a joint project between the City of Prague and the Charles University aimed at exploring new ways of cooperation. Students, artists, scientists, researchers, innovators, and the general public meet here to enrich each other and form new relations and projects, or just to enjoy the cultural program.


About Kampus Hybernská

4_Kampus_Hybernska_Studentska Hybernska_studentstvo

Kampus Hybernská serves as a platform for public discussion, where academic experts present current topics and encourage visitors to actively engage in the debate. Our aim is to bridge the gap between theory and practice and to find specific solutions to problems. We promote education and entrepreneurship and ensure a varied and rich program that reflects the diverse interests and needs of our community.

Culture and the arts are not just a leisure time filler for us. We place them alongside science and research as an equal creative products; culture and science are intertwined in Kampus to create a provocative environment that can respond immediately to current social discourse and inspire unexpected encounters and ideas.

Sustainability is an important part of the project; green is not only found in the courtyards of the Kampus, but also in our program. We emphasize the principles of circular economy and look for ways in which scientists, artists or students can contribute together to address climate challenges.

A characteristic feature of Kampus Hybernska is its openness and accessibility. Most of our events are free, thanks to the financial support of Charles University and the City of Prague. This initiative allows us to bring the knowledge gained in the academic environment back into society and to refresh the centre of Prague with an artistic and cultural program for all.

We emphasize inclusion, respect for gender issues and free identification of our visitors. We believe that awareness and education are key elements in building a safe space, so we organize events focused on these topics to promote diversity and understanding in society.

Kampus Hybernská offers people living in Prague a home and an extension of their home. You will find here a cosy café, Circular workshop, playground, Library of Things and shared workspaces.

Kampus Hybernská offers Prague residents
facilities and extensions to their home.

You will find a cozy cafe, a circular workshop, a children's playground,
Library of things, KPZ shared farm and shared workspaces.

The cooperation of Prague, Kampus Hybernská and the Charles University has definitely proved successful, and for us I can confirm that I fully support the continuation of this joint project, which is a prime example of what collaboration between different entities should look like at first glance. I very much hope that other new collaborations between the city and the universities will continue.

Partnership with the capital Prague is essential for us in the sense of fulfilling the third role of the university and establishing cooperation with other entities from the application sphere. Kampus Hybernská gives us the opportunity to interdisciplinarily respond to current societal topics and to discuss them with students, commercial partners or citizens of the city.

History of Kampus Hybernská

The history of the buildings at today's Hybernská 4 dates back to the 14th century. Read interesting facts about the building's past and information about the development of Kampus Hybernská, as the place has been called for the last few years, since the project of the same name has been operating here.

What can you find in Kampus Hybernská?

We connect science, culture, innovation and community

Science, Innovation and Education
Science, Innovation and Education
Science, Innovation and Education

lectures, debates, courses

Music and theatre
Music and theatre
Music and theatre

concerts, jam sessions, theatre performances, improvisation

Exhibition spaces and projects
Exhibition spaces and projects
Exhibition spaces and projects

exhibitions and openings, guided tours, art workshops

Film and literature
Film and literature
Film and literature

literary evenings, author readings, book launches, film screenings, pub quizzes, debates

HYB4 Galerie
HYB4 Galerie
HYB4 Galerie

In both exhibition spaces (A.1 HYB4 Galerie and C.0 HYB4 Galerie) we present works by both established and emerging artists and artists.

Student life
Student life
Student life

student associations and initiatives, student events


circular and sustainable activities, handicraft workshops


Didaktikon is a popularization and educational center of the Charles University, which was created in cooperation with the Kampus Hybernská and the capital city of Prague. This is a place designed for all who are interested in an informal approach to education.


seasonal snacks, coffee, children's playroom, opened Monday to Friday 9am-10pm and Saturday 10am-9pm

Information center
Information center
Information center

tickets, program info and locally upcycled merch, open Monday-Thursday 13—20, Fridays until 6pm only


Do you want to be part of Kampus Hybernská?

There are several ways to contribute to the events at Kampus Hybernská! Need a space for your event? Do you want to perform with us? Or just to give feedback on improvements?

Hybernská Kampus Council (RKH)

Chairman of RKH

Jan Kratochvíl

Emeritní děkan MFF UK

Representatives of Charles University

David Hurný

člen kolegia rektorky pro rozvoj pedagogických kompetencí akademických pracovníků

František Zahálka

Univerzita Karlova

Jan Kratochvíl

Emeritní děkan MFF UK

For the City of Prague

Mariana Čapková

zastupitelka MHMP, předsedkyně Výboru pro výchovu a vzdělávání Zastupitelstva HMP

Pavel Sitek

Komise Rady HMP pro školskou infrastrukturu

Vít Šimral

zastupitel a radní MHMP, předseda Komise Rady hl. m. Prahy pro školskou infrastrukturu

Program Board of Kampus Hybernská (PRA KH)

PRA KH Management

Ema Pospíšilová

Director of Kampus Hybernská, z. ú.

Tomáš Vokáč

Project manager of HYB4City

Representatives of Charles University

Jan Bičovský

Filozofická fakulta UK

Michal Žák

Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta UK (od dubna 2022)

Svatava Janoušková

Přírodovědecká fakulta UK a Centrum pro otázky životního prostředí UK

Representatives for the City of Prague

Jakub Jehlička

Institute of General Linguistics Faculty of Arts (from August 2023)

Veronika Vlachová

Program Director

Filip Kazda

Head and Curator of HYB4 Galerie

Marina V. Šternová

Kampus Hybernská, z. ú., produced by HYB4 Reading room


Nahlédněte do zákulisí Kampusu Hybernská a přečtěte si, co je u nás nového.
Pozvat Sungazery do Kampusu byl spontánní nápad, říká hudební dramaturg Mikuláš Svoboda

Pozvat Sungazery do Kampusu byl spontánní nápad, říká hudební dramaturg Mikuláš Svoboda

Už jen týden zbývá do dvojkoncertu americké kapely Sungazer, která vystoupí v Kampusu Hybernská již potřetí. Stane se tak v rámci projektu Sustain: Hudba a udržitelnost, jehož cílem je otevřít téma udržitelnosti hudebního průmyslu. V rámci říjnové edice navíc americká kapela povede také jedinečnou masterclass, která se uskuteční v pátek 25. října od 15:00.

HYB4 Galerie hostí jedinečná díla Vladimíra Skrepla a Jiřího Petrboka

HYB4 Galerie hostí jedinečná díla Vladimíra Skrepla a Jiřího Petrboka

HYB4 Galerie zahájila novou výstavní sezónu dvěma zvučnými jmény českého uměleckého prostředí. Podzimní výstavy doplní také přednáškový cyklus s názvem Dobrodružství sebeobjevování.

Unikátní večírek v centru Prahy odstartoval nový akademický rok

Unikátní večírek v centru Prahy odstartoval nový akademický rok

Bingo, prezentace studentských spolků, pub kvízy, koncerty, setkání s olympioniky i aktivity pomáhající seznamování, to všechno si mohli návštěvníci vyzkoušet během unikátního večírku u příležitosti zahájení nového akademického roku v Kampusu Hybernská.

Velkolepé zahájení podzimní sezóny v Kampusu: dvě vernisáže a UniKátní START akademického roku

Velkolepé zahájení podzimní sezóny v Kampusu: dvě vernisáže a UniKátní START akademického roku

Již v pondělí 30. září začne v Kampusu Hybernská velkolepé zahájení nové sezóny. V HYB4 Galeriích se otevřou hned dvě výstavy zvučných jmen českého uměleckého prostředí, Vladimíra Skrepla a Jiřího Petrboka. Dva dny poté proběhne V Hybernské 4 společná akce Univerzity Karlovy a Pražského magistrátu UniKátní START, kterým slavnostně odstartuje nový akademický rok 2024/25.


How do we solve the accessibility of KH to the handicapped?
The website of Kampus Hybernská (hereinafter referred to as the website) is designed with maximum emphasis on the clarity, usability and accessibility of its functionality and text content.
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Our visual identity kit


Photos of Kampus Hybernská

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