Podcast studio
High standard of recorded sound and informal environment.

The podcast studio of Kampus Hybernská is a comfortable base for creating podcasts and more complex audio projects.

We produce a number of podcasts, not only for students, with a wide range of topics. From law and humanities, to languages and natural sciences, to authorial work. Several non-profit organizations also produce podcasts in our studio.

The studio offers a high standard of recorded audio while providing an informal student environment. It can be found on the 4th floor of the D building.


Basic information

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8:00am — 8:00pm
Equipment: Four condenser microphones for voice recording. Sound card with four inputs and its own eavesdropping to process the signal. It is possible to record audio directly to your or local computer via the sound card. There are also two pairs of headphones for eavesdropping, a digital SLR camera and a mobile microphone.

Conditions of use

The studio primarily serves students, staff and academic staff of the Charles University. However, individual arrangements can be made with partners outside the UK from other universities, non-profit organisations and the public, especially on topics with an overlap with social sciences, innovation, education, interdisciplinary cooperation or social affairs. Initial training in the functioning and operation of the podcast studio is a prerequisite for all users.
Operating rules

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Dozens of podcasts on various topics have been produced during the studio's existence. Listen to some of them and get inspired.
Jak začít s vlastním podcastem? Revue Prostor zve na workshopy

Jak začít s vlastním podcastem? Revue Prostor zve na workshopy

Pokud vás zajímá, jak se dělají podcasty, chtěli byste začít se svým vlastním a máte osobní zkušenost s migrací, zbystřete! Revue Prostor, jeden z dlouholetých rezidentů Kampusu Hybernská, pořádá v listopadu tři bezplatné workshopy, na kterých se zájemci od 15 do 18 let naučí vše od výběru tématu až po nahrávání.

Filip Liška si odnesl letošní cenu Miroslava Petruska

Filip Liška si odnesl letošní cenu Miroslava Petruska

Filip Liška, koordinátor podcastového studia Kampusu Hybernská a spoluautor jednoho z nejúspěšnějších kampusových podcastů Balast, získal Cenu Miloslava Petruska za svůj významný přínos k formování veřejného obrazu Univerzity Karlovy. Cena, zřízená v roce 2013, je udělována za pozitivní počin, který významně ovlivňuje vnímání univerzity veřejností.



Conversations about English canapés. Are bitter thorns sour in English and how do you say potato medal? You will find out in DelicaTech.

Herní Mechanik

Herní Mechanik

Why are some games fun and others worth the old slipper? How do game developers think? Game Mechanic is a podcast for game fans.



Podcast of the Czech Institute of Egyptology FF UK about Egypt and Egyptology is the first Czech podcast focusing on ancient Egypt.



Do you want to look into the ancient past through archaeological finds? Are you interested in how archaeology works as a science and what entertains, bothers and interests archaeologists?



Two students of art history at KTF UK Adéla Šatalíková and Klára Heřmánková bring you a podcast about the current art scene.



The podcast is about international human rights commitments. On the border between the Strasbourg Court and the national courts.

Udržitelná Karlovka

Udržitelná Karlovka

Podcast of Rectorate UK, where we address sustainable development, ecology and green innovative approaches to life not only at Charles University.



The popularizing podcast takes you to the depths and cliffs of the humanities behind the doors of the Faculty of Arts UK. With us, you will not be able to overcome the turbulent waters of today.

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