HYB4 Galerie: The flight of the eagle, the singing of mushrooms

HYB4 Galerie: The flight of the eagle, the singing of mushroomsHYB4 Galerie: The flight of the eagle, the singing of mushrooms
C.0 HYB4 Galerie
Kampus Hybernská z.ú.
Type of action
Type of action
Type of action
For children
English friendly
Accompanying program
Accompanying program

Opening: June 21, 6 pm

At the opening, Milena Slavická and Viktor Pivovarov will launch Kamila Ženaté's book. The opening will be accompanied by Tea Jay Ivo´s music.

Exhibition duration: June 21 – July 22 2023

Gallery opening hours: Mon-Fri 9am – 9pm, Sat 10am – 8pm

Location: C.0 HYB4 Galerie

The flight of the eagle, the singing of mushrooms: the dance of reality by Kamila Ženatá

Every secret tends to be revealed, just as everything hidden tends to manifest. (Alejandro Jodorowsky)

The creative game of consciousness. The rhythm of the stars, the enigma of corals in the depths of the oceans, the labyrinths of synapses, the mystery of the mycelium. Flora embraces fauna, a ballet of microorganisms. The aftermath of the primordial bang, the blending of space-time as in the states of expanded consciousness. Everything is burning, flowing, the earth is shaking, the wind is blowing. Chlorophyll, horsetail, jungle. Cells fight for light. The whispered world, the shouted world, the flowing world. Panpsychism.

To be close to Kamila Ženatá's work means to be close to both stability and change. To faithfulness to the essential and to tireless search for new expressions. To the play of perspectives. To the exploration of the positions of the observer and the observed, up to the point of their merging. This process became Kamila's fate, which has now led her to a new initiation.

Her lifelong artistic search (rich genres, means of expression, procedures, techniques) is a pilgrimage beyond the boundaries of duality. Beyond the division of reality into subject and object, sacred and profane. There is only one reality - and it is in constant dance. Kamila passionately and patiently examines the very quintessence of life, the sap flowing through everything manifested, from cells to dreams. Like shamans, she knows that god has a thousand masks.

The psychedelic atmosphere that her monumental paintings exude is not accidental: the images go straight to the point. No ornaments, decorative effects, pretended overlaps. At the same time, however, they defy unequivocal interpretation. They are and are not abstract, they dynamically intertwine and overlap natural and metaphysical structures, creating a kind of structure of structures. The branches of a tree whose trunk is the archaic axis of the world. Their composition is not rational but intuitive. Their source of inspiration is quantum physics as well as astronomy and Taoism.

The main thing is to convey the experience that everything is one complex story. In the words of the painter Viktor Pivovarov: "Her latest paintings seem as if they were not the work of human hands but arose by themselves, spontaneously. Kamila has freed the language of painting to speak for itself, giving the paint the opportunity to live its own life. She stepped back as an author, became a mediator through which energies and meanings that transcend her pass."

Whether she wanders the starry sky in her mind, explores the vegetation preserve or dives into the depths of the unconscious, whether she meditates or imagines colorfully, whether she observes earthly or cosmic events, Kamila searches again and again for the imaginary vanishing point of everything. That eternal source which is motionless and out of time, and at the same time in time and in continuous movement. According to the Zen masters, form is emptiness and emptiness is form. It is a great paradox that shatters the possibilities of language. But not the possibilities of the image.

(Milan Ohnisko)

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July 22, 2023