HYB4 Galerie: Various Forms of Sensibility

HYB4 Galerie: Various Forms of SensibilityHYB4 Galerie: Various Forms of Sensibility
A.1 HYB4 Galerie
Kampus Hybernská z.ú.
Type of action
Type of action
Type of action
For children
English friendly
Accompanying program
Accompanying program

Sep 22, 2023, from 6 PM

The world has been literally changing in front of our eyes over the past few years. We are experiencing situations that could easily rival fictional scenarios. This opens up opportunities for interna lrenewal and development, with a change in perception and self-transformation serving as a powerful driver for societal progress in the coming decades. We are also undergoing significant developments in the field of technology, with topics like augmented reality and artificial intelligence becoming everyday tools. Despite all these massive transformations, the exhibition's theme returns to human sensitivity as a rare ability that has been shaping individuals and society since ancient times.

But what is sensitivity, and who possesses it? "Asensitiveperson shows empathy, understanding, and consideration fortheemotional needs of others." This is how machines, to which we are currently granting power over our expressions, may see us in today's world. Humans, on the other hand, have perceived sensitivity in a conflicting manner for centuries; some celebrate it, while others consider it a weakness. So, is an individual's sensitivity a gift or a curse, as many point out? We leave the debate to those who are open to it. However, our focus is on sensitivity as an expression of understanding and the selection of artistic works that abound in depth, subtlety, and the truth of insight, which would not be possible without the sensitivity of their creators.

The curatorial selection by Kazda and Štochl duo suggests possible directions in which an individual's sensitivity can evolve. It is not fundamentally about presenting works that refer to sensitivity as a physical position of significance, but rather it presents sensitivity as a mental ability or gift to discover and develop the fabric of contents and deviations often hidden beneath the surface of ordinary things. For this reason, the curatorial selection of works is quite diverse but fundamentally harmonious, telling the story of sensitivity in a broader context.

The exhibition aims to explore various forms of sensitivity and uses classical media as a means to pause and reinterpret the moment during a time of significant societal change, modern technology, and the language through which the contemporary world speaks to us. From an art lover's perspective, it is an intergenerational cross-section that deviates from artistic trends stemming from the need to with stand rapidly changing positions in the art field. Instead, it pays tribute to diversity and presents what is often hidden in aesthetic purity and the originality of expression.

Artists: Pavel Baňka, Radka Bodzewicz, Veronika Čechmánková, Nikola Čulík, Habima Fuchs, Kurt Gebauer, Assaf Hinden, Vojtěch Hrubant, Olga Karlíková, Milan Kunc, Matěj Olmer, Ester Paraskova, Vojtěch Pavlicek, Petr Pelzmann, Ondřej Petrlik, Ivan Pinkava, Matěj Pokorny, Rodrigo Rosa, Vladimir Skrepl, Taja Spasskova, Antonie Stano, Mark Ther  

Curators: Michal Štochl, Filip Kazda

Photo: Veronika Chechmnankova,
Fiasco Show/self-portrait/self-portrait, analog, 35 mm film, color/color, 2023

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November 11, 2023