HYB4 Galerie: Shadow Throwers

HYB4 Galerie: Shadow ThrowersHYB4 Galerie: Shadow Throwers
C.0 HYB4 Galerie
Kampus Hybernská z.ú.
Type of action
Type of action
Type of action
For children
English friendly
Accompanying program
Accompanying program

Opening: March 16, 6 pm

C.0 HYB4 Galerie is open Mon-Sat from 10am till 6pm.

The exhibition is a kind of generational statement of established artists, four friends who, although partially united by a similar aesthetic, approach their work differently.

Jiří Baštýř is abrilliant draftsman whose strength lies in the combination of distinctive drawing and painting on canvas. In addition to classical paintings, Andrea Baštýřová is the author of sewn sculptures. Large gestural-expressive compositions are characteristic of Hana Garová. Matěj Hrbek is specific in his use of crayons and bizarre objects with a burlesque touch. All are brought together by the search for distinctive themes, knowing that in contemporary culture, disturbing ugliness can be considered a far more authentic quality than inherent beauty as traditionally defined.

Both Jiří Baštýř and Andrea Baštýřová express themselves in the form of antitheses when they search for a socially unconventional expression of their post-apocalyptic visions. Their works are a cynically humorous look at the mainstream. Jiří Baštýř moved from realistic depictions of corpses (which can be understood as substitute self-portraits) to repulsively seductive self-portraits. Andrea Baštýřová consistently works with anti-realistic deformation of figures, creating a pantheon of imaginary hybrid puppets between man and animal without a clear iconography from the position of Gothic romance. In suggestive monochrome works, Hana Garová tries to capture movement, which for her is a means of expressing emotions and psychological states. Movement in connection with physicality can be considered a universal theme at a time when art has lost its cultic and spiritual role. In his own way, he tries to access ritual and archaic forces in the space of a work of art. The work of Matěj Hrbek is a mixture of magic and science fiction, which often speaks of a fascination with marginal and fallen genres. He expands references for art by rehabilitating not only the medium itself but also by choosing subjects that are not devoid of ironic comments on current culture.

The works of all authors testify to a particular sensitivity in which different procedures are in dialogue with each other. Their sensibility to multiple frames of reference is often both intuitive and targeted. In the works, there is a cohesion of form and content coming from different sources. At the same time, they purpose fully question the ordinary cultural operation, which they do not consider inspiring or original.

Jiří Baštýř (1991), a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (studio of Jiří Petrbok)

Andrea Baštýřová (1990), a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (studio of Jiří Petrbok)

Hana Garová (1986), a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (studio of Vladimír Skrepl)

Matěj Hrbek (1988), a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (studio of Vladimír Skrepl)

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April 15, 2023